Country Road Greenhouses, LLC
Growers of native plants and the exclusive producer of Prairie Plugs™
We specialize in providing native prairie plants for:
- Environmental restoration
- Native landscaping
- Wetland mitigation
- Streamside and lake bank stabilization and enhancement
- Environmental education
- Sales by groups and organizations
Our Prairie Plugs™ plant list contains species for dry, mesic, wet mesic, wet, and emergent planting sites and includes:
- Native grasses, sedges, bulrushes, and rushes
- Native forbs ie. wildflowers
- Native wetland plants and emergent plants
- Native savanna plants
Our function is to support our customers in achieving successful installation and establishment of a native planting. Tou can trust that our first priority is to provide you with the plants and service you need. We can assist you in the planning stages for your project by helping you select the species appropriate to the site. We make certain that your plants are at your site when you need them or we will have your order available for you to pick up at our facility at your convenience.
Country Road Greenhouses has earned the reputation of providing the highest quality plants available at a very reasonable price. In fact, Country Road Greenhouses pioneered the production of container grown prairie plants in the Midwest, developed the process of growing prairie in open bottom containers to manage these vigorous root systems. Prairie Plugs™ has since become the benchmark for native plants in the restoration and landscape industries. We are committed to continue offering the quality, information, service, and value on which our customers have come to rely.
Bryan & Peggy Redington, Owners
Country Road Greenhouses, LLC
19561 E. Twombly Rd.
Rochelle, Il. 61068
Phone 815-384-3311
Fax 815-384-5015
Contact us by email: